For me, summer means swimming.
July and August are the only months that I start my day with the fish in the lake. I love envisioning them with me in the water, watching the dragonflies pass by overhead, and feeling the sunshine on my face.
I feel a part of nature; it’s meditative.
Sometimes, when the water is choppy I do laps in the calm of our bay. Imagine my dismay (and then delight!) when our dog Maxx decided to partake in my routine. My quiet time just got interesting.
Maxx is like a bull in a china shop – he’s been called “a pug on steroids.” It’s an apt description. He’s not dainty on land, or in the water. He splashes, huffs and puffs, moves at a good clip and has developed a new habit of circling me. I’m sure my fishy friends flee in the commotion.
My swims with Maxx are definitely entertaining; he makes me laugh and I love his loyalty, vim, and vigor. We both get a good workout.
His joy is contagious and an uplifting way to begin the day. Maybe tomorrow I’ll get back to my Zen time.
Do you have something that helps set your daily mindset?